Coppa del Mondo della Gelateria 2020: gold, silver and bronze medals go to Italy, Japan and Argentina
ItalyThree continents and three diverse cultures on the podium
21 January, 2020 - Italy gets the Gold Medal at the 9th Coppa del Mondo of Gelateria, which just ended at the arena in the South Hall of Rimini Expo Center, during the 41st International Trade Show of Artisan Gelato, Pastry, Bakery and the Coffee World.
The team has been led by Giuseppe Tonon and composed by Marco Martinelli, Eugenio Morrone, Massimo Carnio and Ciro Chiummo. Italy selected the theme “Secrets of the forest” and got the highest ranking.
The Silver Medal goes to Japan, who chose the theme “The flower of music” The team was led by Kanjiro Mochizuki and composed by Naoki Matsuo, Kenichi Matsunaga, Kengo Akabame and Hiromi Nishikawa.
The Bronze Medal goes to Argentina. The team, led by Maximiliano Cesar Maccarrone and composed by Diego Agustin Irato, Pablo Nicolas Renes, Matias Dragun and Ruben Darre, selected the theme Pirates of Car-ibbean.
The other 4 special awards go to…
• Best Ice Sculpture: JAPAN (the ice sculptor is Kengo Akabame)
• Best Gelato Cake – ITALY (An award assigned by the international press jury)
• Most Innovative Mystery Box Flavour – ARGENTINA (this award - assigned by the technical jury consider-ing the voting marks - refers to the gelato/sorbet created during the Mystery Box trial).
• Outstanding Final Grand Buffet – ITALY (An award assigned by the artistic jury that refers to aesthetics and creative vision)
• Carlo Pozzi Award – JAPAN (The Order and Cleanliness award, dedicated to the Gelato Master Carlo Pozzi, has been awarded by the Competition Commissioners to the team that kept the work-station at the best)
The 9th Coppa del mondo della Gelateria, organised by SIGEP - Italian Exhibition Group (IEG) and Gelato & Cultura, took place on 19-21 January 2020 in the South Hall of Rimini Expo Center, during the 41st Internation-al Trade Show of Artisan Gelato, Pastry, Bakery and the Coffee World. Eleonora Cozzella and Spiridione Ripal-di presented the race. Cheering on social media has been higher than ever, in every corner of the planet.
Below (in alphabetical order) all the members of the eleven teams.
ARGENTINA: The team leader is Maximiliano Cesar Maccarrone, in the team Diego Agustin Irato, Pablo Nico-las Renes, Matias Dragun and Ruben Darre.
COLOMBIA: The team leader is Jonathan Nieto Hincapie, in the team Julio Alberto Mojica Bolaños, Laura Mo-jica, Nancer Giovanny Pabon Erazo and Jessica Ramos.
FRANCE: The team leader is Stephane Augé, in the team Fouchereau Franck, Lamy Adrien, Moudni Nabil and Hasselbein Yoann.
GERMANY: The team leader is Günter Single, in the team Alexander Glagla, Federico Sacchet, Francesco Carrer and Giovanni Finamore.
JAPAN: The team leader is Kanjiro Mochizuki, in the team Naomi Matsuo, Kkenichi Matsunsga, Kengo Aka-bame and Hiromi Nishikawa.
ITALY: The team leader is Giuseppe Tonon, in the team Marco Martinelli, Eugenio Morrone, Massimo Carnio and Ciro Chiummo.
MALAYSIA: The team leader is Au Yong Yung Yee, in the team Muhamad Rusmi Bin Che Dol, Siew Chee Wing, Jamaluddin Bin Zainal Abidin and Mustaffa Kamal Bin Othman.
MEXICO: The team leader is Gustavo Barbabosa, in the team Alice Díaz, Eduardo Suarez, Julio Cesar More-no and David Miranda.
POLAND: The team leader is Alexandra Sowa-Trzebinska, in the team Robert Burkat, Michal Wisniewski, Maciej Pieta and Grzegorz Maciej Radajewicz.
SINGAPORE: The team leader is Ng Chee Leong, in the team Miller Mai, Pang Yoon Hwa, Jason Tan and Ja Afar Bin Haji Mohgamad Ghazali.
SPAIN: The team leader is Lluís Ribas Guardià, in the team Albert Soler Miquel, Albert Roca Badia, Mayte Rodríguez Gigante and Lluc Dalmau Vall.
12 technical judges: the 12 team leaders (even if Hungary decided to withdraw, Renata Somogyi voted) and Pier Paolo Magni as President of the Jury. On the field we will see three experienced technical commissioners: Sergio Colalucci, Sergio Dondoli and Gaetano Mignano.
Press jury: 10 international journalists specialised in gelato, pastry and F&B: Emanuela Balestrino, Bernard Bedaridà, Luis Concepción, Stefan Elfenbein, Manuela Rossi, Margo Schatcher, Yumi Hasegawa Picone, Mariarosaria Bruno, Victor Sokolowicz and Natalia Mendoza will assign a special award to the best Gelato Cake.
Artistic jury: Lorena Gava (historic curator, Italy), Stephan Didier (MOF Chef, France) and Adolfo Romero (Gelato Champion, Spain) will assign a special award to the Final Grand Buffet.
Each team included a gelato chef, a pastry chef, a chef de cuisine and an ice sculptor. The 12 team leaders judged 8 race tests in 3 days (glass single-portion, mystery box, gelato-cake, entrée of haute cuisine, ice- and brittle- sculptures and the new trend of gelato-snacks, in addition to the final Grand Buffet, which is the presen-tation of all the creations). The students of Istituto Alberghiero Sigismondo Pandolfo Malatesta (Rimini) sup-ported the champions during the race.
The 10th edition of Coppa del Mondo of Gelateria will take place in 2022. The very first international se-lection will take place at the Asian Gelato Cup, on 3-4 March 2020 during FoodHotel&Asia Show (Singapore Expo). The guidelines for the organization of the selections will be available at www.coppamondogelateria.it.
Fans and gelato-lovers can enjoy real-time updates on Facebook (the official profile is “Coppa Mondo Gelateria”) and on Instagram (@gelatoworldcup). The hashtag confirmed for the next edition is #CMG2020.